Jag har tidigare nämnt att ridande polisen i Houston succesivt skott av många av sina hästar. Nu verkar det som att 31 hästar är barfota, vilket är en ökning motför tidigare 21 men vad jag vet är det fortfarande någon enstaka häst som är skodd.
Den officiella hemsidan hittar ni här.
Polisen i Houston
!Now pavement harmfull to legs?
Posted by: "lynngs@..." lynngs@... rustypaint31
Sat Feb 16, 2008 9:27 am (PST)
Greg Sokoloski, the officer with the Houston Police Dept., who is resonsible for taking the mounted patrol horses barefoot, has no problem with the 31 barefoot horses performing daily for 8 to 10 hrs. on mostly concrete. Some of these horses had various hoof pathologies while shod and had only gotten worse in shoes. Now that they are
barefoot, their hooves have all improved.
At times the officers choose to boot but most of the time they are
The horses are much better barefoot in every way. They have almost no vet calls now. They are more sure footed. Wet pavement is no longer as slippery. The horses are clearly more content and comfortable and their attitudes reflect it.
He welcomes all calls about this successful barefoot program.
Gregory Sokoloski
E-mail Address(es):
hpdmp3486@sbcglobal .net
Personal Information:
300 N. Post Oak
Houston TX 77024
Phone: 713-812-5158
Mobile: 713-898-3721
Please pass along this success story to other vets, friends, and other lists. People need to know how a naturally trimmed hoof works so much better than a shod hoof does.
Greg had to endure much criticism and go against conventional thinking as he perservered with his conviction that a natural hoof meant a healthier hoof and horse. He braved the press, the public, the lies, the farriers, the vets who said it was cruel, inhumane, greedy, would kill the horses.
NO ONE has come back with a followup story of how the mounted patrol horses have not only succeeded but they have THRIVED.
This story needs to be published.
Lynn Swearingen